New eBay Sites Added
Germany and France have been added to the list of eBay sites available to search.
Search Result Export
A search result export button has been added at the top right of the search results page that will export your results to a CSV file.
New Include Sellers Filter
A new filter has been added to the search criteria which lets you restrict your search results to specific sellers.

Welcome to Search Siren

Automated eBay search and item alert software

Using this tool, you can set up custom eBay searches with e-mail notifications that run as frequently as every 15 minutes. No longer will you need to manually search eBay numerous times a day to find your favorite newly listed items before another buyer beats you to it.

Our free service provides up to 1000 automated searches a day. This can be 1000 searches that run once a day, 500 that run twice a day, or any combination of search frequencies that total up to 1000 per day. Choose your search frequency for each search you set up with options ranging from every 15 minutes to every 24 hours.

Are 1000 searches per day not enough? We may provide additional searches on a case by case basis for users that make frequent eBay purchases through our notifications. Contact us through the contact form to learn more.

Have a request for future features? Let us know through our contact form.
Example Search
Example Search Results
Example Email Notification
Example eBay Search For Apple IPad
Example eBay Search Results For Apple IPad
Example Email Alert For Apple IPad Search